
This is a tentative roadmap for KITA Foundation's development

2024 Q1

  • UI/UX rebranded version launching

2024 Q2

  • Develop self-custodial wallet on KITA

  • Open Alpha version of auto airdrop service on KITA

2024 Q3

  • Open Alpha version of influencer system

  • App version (Android and iOS) development

  • Beta for auto airdrop service

  • Search Engine upgrade

2024 Q4

  • V2 of KITA including all dev works done by Q1~Q3

2025 Q1-Q2

  • Open Live streaming system for influencers

  • Develop KITA academy streaming service

  • Integrate Web 3 injected self-custodial wallet system as KITA's own wallet system

  • Start to develop custodial service for major mainnet coins and tokens

2025 Q3

  • Launch KITA's DeFi staking service

  • Develop a linkage and bridge solution for mainnet swap with global exchanges

Last updated