Users pay the necessary fees to stream music in the community. Before streaming music, the player can trade NFT items required for enjoying the community in the NFT Market. In addition, TRACKS charges different fees for various community activities, which players must pay.
NFT Transfer
Users can transfer and trade their NFTs within the community using smart contracts without the need for separate agreements. To do this, users move their NFTs, including content, from the community to an NFT marketplace. During this process, users pay an NFT transfer fee.
NFT Transactions and Creation
Users, including content creators, influencers, and project teams, pay fees when selling content or creating PFP NFTs in the community. Users also incur fees when converting content into NFTs.
In this way, a portion of token payments and fees, NFT sales, and NFT creation revenue is accumulated in the Treasury. Future payment policies can be determined by the DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).
Payment Fee
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